Saturday, June 29, 2024

Is this the end of my blog posts?

 Perhaps someone can offer suggestions ... 

My camera has reached the end of life - purchased in 1998 solely to support Blog posts and my quilting projects, plus personal photos,  it was a wonderful Kodak with video capabilities, but  now, no longer fixable,  and even its irritating quirks won't cooperate.  I've used  for Blog posts since I first started a blog about 25 years ago.   Today I am unable to get my Blog post or photos uploaded, the little disc is unreadable, camera keeps turning on and off, battery is charged but ..... so on, so on, etc.   Totally undependable any longer.  Are old fashioned cameras still available?   I'm still quilting and have  expanded my quilting life with occasional Trunk Shows and displays, and my Blog Posts have proven a valuable tool for interested attendees.

 I DO have a cell phone, which I keep for "emergencies".   I've used it for ONE emergency only.  8-)))    I learned how to make calls and take a few pictures, but I only force myself to keep it, barely understanding it's capabilities.  The cell phone usually remains "OFF" at the bottom of my purse and only keep it so friends and family won't worry about me, living alone. 8-)))  One of you bloggers suggested I switch over to my cell phone for photos, but I don't know how to start that learning process.  

I prefer to keep up my blog post, even occasional posts are better than none,.   I jes'  don't know where to start.  If I find a camera,  will it interface with the computer friendly gallery niceties?  I sure have a lot of photos now all lined up in a clever program that I think is some app, somewhere within my computer.  I don't even know the questions to ask?  My cell is plain-jane variety - do I need a higher grade cell phone?  

Any suggestions would help me clarify what I should think about.  I am not familiar with Facebook.   Perhaps a stop at Walmart Camera Dept. would help, if they even have cameras any more.  I am so far behind "the times."  


  1. Is there a local quilt bee where you're known, perhaps not as a member but as 'that nice lady who puts on those great trunk shows'? Invite yourself to one of their meetings and ask their advice--there may even be bloggers in the group, or someone with camera/computer know-how for other reasons. It's a start!

    A neighbor (or their kid) might be happy to spend a relaxed evening at your dining table exploring the ins and outs of your cell phone. I have a tablet I use for my favorite games, but it's got a fab camera on it too.

    If I could pare down my phone (it's a flip), I'd keep phoning, texting, and camera capabilities only. The camera is great for those projects when you need to run to the hardware store for a piece, but can't bring the whole item.

    Hope this sparks ideas or a commitment to better learn the tools you're paying for!


  2. Hi Elaine, I use my phone more now, but also still use a camera for better quality photos (it's a Canon point-and-shoot, no separate lenses, very compact). The thing with using your cell phone is that you may need to upgrade it to get decent quality photos, and then there's the learning curve, etc. Alternatively, and perhaps more simply, if you've liked your Kodak camera, you could stick with a Kodak and get something like the Kodak PIXPRO FZ55 for about $120. I don't know what your "gallery" app is (Kodak used to have a Gallery, but I think they've discontinued it for quite a while already), but you can just copy the photos off your camera to your computer manually (it's easy, really). If you need to edit your photos to make them brighter or crop, etc., you might check out FastStone Image Viewer free downloadable software. It's what I've used since Picasa editor went away. I watched a couple YouTube videos on how it worked and it was pretty easy to learn.

  3. I hope you find a solution to this question because I would hate to see you go. Lovingly, hugs. ;^)

  4. I bet someone at the public library or the senior center can help you figure out how to manage with only the cellphone camera. It doesn’t hurt to ask.

  5. Please don't go. This medium is a good life line for quilting and photos. Good suggestions have been offered. I used to use my Canon point and shoot, but when I upgraded my computer it would not download my pictures anymore. So I just use my phone now. I'm sure there are lots of people out there that could help you. Now a days everyone seems to be computer savvy. I am not one of them, so I have to depend on a young person to show me the ropes, so to speak.

  6. Thank you Jocelyn - I grow weary of my own frustration, lack of knowledge, and different opinion of the ever-increasing need for all the new electronic/technical gadgetry. I used to be the queen of my own office territory, yet fell behind within 3 mos. after retiring. That will likely happen to every other retiree as well. Today, I UNINSTALLED an unasked-for security program and voila, Blogger/photos is working again. Go figure!

  7. I use my phone and my iPad to take photos. They automatically sync with Google photos so I can easily upload them to blog posts.


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